5 Low Stress Exercises to Use After Bariatric Surgery

Once your doctor has cleared you to exercise, you should take the opportunity to get moving as gently as possible to help speed up your progress and help with healing.

Regular exercise after your Bariatric surgery offers you so many benefits, which includes the fact that it will help you with your recovery process. Even if you weren’t active before, your recovery has probably had you lying down for several weeks, so you know it’s time to get started.

Keep your exercise at the low stress level for your post-Bariatric surgery regimen to aid in recovery and keep you safe from harm. Performing safe, low stress exercises is as important as eating nutritiously while creating a caloric deficit for weight loss. Getting the right Bariatric supplements and vitamins will help keep your energy levels up so you can workout regularly.

Some of the benefits of introducing gentle exercise into your regimen include burning extra calories, building muscle as you lose fat to create a strong and attractive body composition, increasing your energy levels, improving your mood, lowering your blood pressure and strengthening your bones and improving your immune system.

Finding the right low stress exercises might feel challenging while you are in the recovery stages, so here are five to get you started on your bold new adventure toward overall great health.

Take a walk

Walking is something you can do without leaving your house, if necessary as you recover. However, as soon as you are able, getting out for walks in the fresh air offer you many benefits.


Do house or yard work

Wash the dishes, mow the lawn, do small loads of laundry or even run the vacuum cleaner to get up and start moving with the benefit of getting some housework or lawn chores out of the way.


Practice yoga

Borrow a DVD from the library or pull up an online video guiding you through a gentle yoga session to improve balance, strength and flexibility.


Go swimming

Such a gentle exercise is perfect for those who are struggling with weight loss, especially after Bariatric surgery. If you can swim, do laps. Another option is to join a water fitness class where you can laugh and have fun with classmates.


Hit tennis balls

If you live near tennis courts, ask a friend to go with you and hit balls to one another. You can enjoy each other’s company and take your time retrieving errant balls, but you will still get plenty of gentle exercise.


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