What to Eat in a Day 6 Months Post-Op Weight Loss Surgery
After weight loss surgery, your diet is completely different. You go through different stages after the procedure as you are transitioning to your new body. First you are only drinking clear liquids, then you begin thicker liquids going into more puree type foods, followed by the solid food stage. Each stage lasts for about 1-2 weeks depending on your surgeon’s requirements, so it takes quite a bit of time to get to full solid foods. I remember like it was yesterday, the feeling of taking your first bite of food after the procedure. You go so long without chewing that you almost forget what it feels like. I am currently 6 months post-op my gastric bypass revision surgery and I feel like I am currently in a really good place with the foods that I am eating on a daily basis. So, here is a preview of what I eat in a day 6 months post-op gastric bypass.
Mornings are always challenging for me because I am rarely ever hungry. I tend to eat breakfast a little later if I am working from home, but I at least like to start my mornings out with a large glass of ice water. This has been something new I am doing and it just starts my day out on a good note with my water goals. My go to breakfast has always been one egg with a slice of toast and some fruit. I can never finish it, but I like the variety. Some mornings if I am in a hurry, I just grab a protein shake and call it a day. If I do not get my protein shake at breakfast, I usually take it for a mid-morning or afternoon snack. I was really bad about my protein shakes for a long time, but I have found that I feel so much stronger on the days that I make sure to get in it. There is a reason why your surgeon focuses so much on protein after surgery. You really need to make sure you are making it the main priority.
Lunch is pretty simple for me because I usually eat the same thing almost every day. My two main choices are turkey roll ups and veggie chicken patties. With the turkey roll ups, I simply just put a piece of cheese in some turkey and roll it up together. I usually eat 2-3 of these and then can typically have a side with it, such as fruit or yogurt. I will sometimes pair them with things such as quinoa chips or baked lays, but I have to be careful with carbs since I sometimes have no control. Veggie chicken patties are so tasty and I add hot sauce to give it a little flavor. Between these two options, I am usually pretty satisfied after lunch.
There are some days that I have a snack, and that usually depends on how much I have already eaten in the day. I really like carrots with hummus, nuts, protein bars, and fruit for my snacks. I try to change this up and stay away from my trigger foods as much as possible. If I was not able to get my protein shake or smoothie in during the morning time, I will usually drink it early afternoon. I tend to add things such as baby spinach and frozen berries to help me get more nutrition in with the protein powder.
Dinner is definitely where I struggle the most. It is mainly because I am so exhausted by the end of the night and I do not feel like cooking. I also have a very picky 5-year-old that I am constantly trying to get creative for when it comes to meals, so I sometimes have to wing it last minute. However, one of my new favorite things to do is to cook crockpot meals during the day. Since I am home a lot of the time, it allows for me to have the flexibility to prepare the meal during my lunch break. One of my favorite recipes is Creamy Ranch Chicken, which consists of chicken breast, carrots and potatoes. It is so easy to make and I am able to get a good portion of protein and veggies with it.
I used to be really into dessert, but over the last few years I have really started to get out of the habit of feeling like I constantly need something sweet at the end of the night. However, there are occasions where I will have some Halo protein ice cream or frozen berries as a little treat. I think it is a healthy balance to still treat yourself to these things occasionally, but you must always be aware of your triggers and notice the foods you need to stay away from so you do not start to binge.
So, there you have it! That is what a typical day looks like for me 6 months post-op gastric bypass. I do not count calories, but I have learned my portion sizes I need to follow over the years and it has helped me stay on track. It is important to stay aware of everything you are putting into your body to ensure you are on the right path after surgery. I am not always the best at it, but I highly recommend that you track your water and food to keep track on whether you are meeting your goals. This will help you as you are getting used to new portion sizes as well as learning the foods you need to stay away from. At the end of the day, you must reflect and ask yourself if you are getting enough water, protein, and overall nutrition in your body. This surgery can be challenging at times finding enough hours in the day to get enough nutrition. Always make sure you are taking your Multivitamin and drink your water throughout the day as much as possible. Remember, this is a lifelong journey and it takes time to form these new habits after surgery. Focus on your health and truly reflect on the food choices you are making every day to determine if you are being true to yourself and your new lifestyle. You got this!
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