Surviving The First Week After Weight Loss Surgery
Congratulations! You just made one of the biggest decisions of your life and decided to have weight loss surgery. Your life is about to change, and you will start a new journey towards healthy living. One of the most challenging parts of this journey is the first week after surgery. There are so many drastic changes and it can be difficult to settle into your new way of living. Here are a few tips to help you through that first week.
- Stay busy! You are going to be spending the first few days in the hospital and it can get boring. Bring books, movies, iPads, and anything to keep your mind off food and/or the pain from the surgery. It might even be helpful to start journaling and keeping track of how you are feeling after surgery.
- Walk, walk, walk! It is so important to walk after weight loss surgery because it will help the gas pains you feel. Another benefit of walking is it helps prevent blood clots. This is something you need to start doing while you are at the hospital and then continue it once you get home.
- Stay away from food. This one can be challenging because we obviously have friends and family who eat normally. When I was first getting started, I stayed away from anyone who was eating. It was too hard for me to see food and not feel like I needed to eat it. Do your best to stay clear of anyone eating for that first week after surgery.
- Set a timer to get in your water and protein goals. Your surgeon will stress the importance of hitting these goals. However, it can be challenging to remember to drink, especially when you are not in the mood to consume anything. Set a timer on your phone to remember to drink your fluids. It might be painful at first, but you do not want to get dehydrated after surgery.
- Start your vitamins once your surgeon clears you. We hear it all the time how weight loss surgery can cause people to have deficiencies. It is true that we must really pay attention to this because deficiencies can be very dangerous. Start taking your vitamins as soon as your surgeon clears you and make sure you set a reminder for yourself, so you don’t forget to take them.
The first week after bariatric surgery can be scary. However, if you are prepared and ready for the changes that will happen, you will set yourself up for success. Do your best to really meditate during this first week and set goals for yourself. It is going to be a new journey for you, but it is one that will change your life for the better. You got this!
Had surgery Monday July 29th so I really appreciate your post. 🙂
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